
Monday, January 01, 2007

What is MittenString Theory, anyway?

Mitten strings are the strings that hold two mittens together. Mitten strings are symbolic of unseen action that holds the world together, the contrast that creates the whole and stands for the practicing of thoughts that create harmony in our minds.

Mitten String theory is what it says… a theory based on the concept of Mitten Strings which attempts to understand the concepts of Life by using basic, everyday, every Being language to explain the connection between all Life; a theory designed for everyone to symbolically bring our attention to the well-being of Life. A theory that can be practiced and in practicing you might remember who you are.

Mitten string theory is based on the theoretical physics branch that ponders theories of life; String Theory! Mitten String theory might help explain Super String theory!

The string theory of theoretical physics explains that all matter is held together, unified by an invisible ( one dimensional) something. The founder of string theory also called it M-Theory and the M stands for either magic, mystery or membrane ( no one knows), but obviously it stood for Mittens!

Strings can be either open or closed; mittens are two separate and equally opposite mittens unified with one string, they are connected by a visible force, which represents the string as an invisible force of energy, manifested as string.

When the mittens come together, they create unity; we are all individualized mittens of Life and and as we juggle the contrast in this life we are all united.

Mitten strings are like Duct Tape; a light side, a dark side and it holds the universe together.” Mitten strings have a left side, a right side and they hold our mittens together. What more could you want?

Mittens are the body of the hand, the stuff the mittens are made out of is the matter and the joining of the two creates warm hands, warm hearts and order out of chaos. Our hands bring our mittens alive!

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