
Friday, December 22, 2006

new thought about harmony

Which is greater; the parts of thing or the sum, the whole? Is the toe complete in itself or does it depend on the foot and the rest of the body for its substance?

The toe succeeds in its life by the harmonious action between the foot and the rest of the body.

Our lives are a success when we experience a harmonious action between ourselves and everything else. As our personal vibration reaches for harmony, it attracts to our physical senses energy…ideas, thoughts, people, places, and things that are in harmony with our vibration; thoughts and feelings we embody.

If you have to choose harmony, it is because you are still holding onto a belief that there can be anything other than harmony. The world seems, to our senses, to be chaotic yet it does not mean that it is out of balance. It is perception that is skewed.

If you still need to choose, choose harmony. Experiences of a discordant world will be normal until balance is found once again. Practice harmony by looking for things that feel harmonious.

Harmony just is; everywhere all the time. The balance between chaos and harmony is measured by functionality and enjoyment of things perceived and acknowledged understood by how we are think about what we are gets upset in our minds only.

Some times it is fun to be in the chaos!

Remembering this can change your life.
Think about that while you enjoy your morning dump!

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